Kasedhiya kualitas dhuwurMesin Pipa Jaring Kaku Plastikuga disebut mlengkung penetrating banyu pipe mesin kolektor pipe line produksi mesin, dental penetrating peralatan line produksi pipe banyu.
1. Comrise NewestMesin Pipa Jaring Kaku Plastik curved permeable pipe is a kind of high impact polyethylene made of three molecules, 2/3 permeable, 1/3 molecules a drainage pipe, it not only has the soft permeable pipe permeable area and corrugated punching pipe high compressive strength, also has good reverse osmosis effect, adapt to temperature range, weather resistance, service life, also has good reverse osmosis effect, adapt to the temperature range, strong durability, service life, in the discharge of permeable water, reduce and control the groundwater level, strengthening soft soil and prevent soil collapse and other engineering measures has been more and more widely used.
2. Majeng majengMesin Pipa Jaring Kaku PlastikStruktur Product: nuduhake awak tabung, nggunakake kain non-dirajut minangka lapisan Filter kanggo mesthekake filtrasi efektif lan nyegah endhepan saka ngetik tabung.
3. Comrise CustomizedMesin Pipa Jaring Kaku PlastikFitur produk: